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new year thinking about new templates

E.A. Draffan

Getting started with communication in 2021 Developing Templates

Over the last year making charts and information, for those who benefit from symbol support to understand some of the issues related to COVID-19, has been an ongoing task. There have been many examples of good practice from the AAC and learning disability community. CALL Scotland provided a blog on the subject of 'Learning at Home - COVID-19 Symbol Communication Resources' in April 2020 with links to free resources. Sadly, these are just as relevant now as they were nine months ago.

In August 2020 Global Symbols discussed the need to think about better support for communication in stressful times and we provided examples of how this could be achieved. More recently we have been developing a bank of templates with adapted symbols from the Mulberry set to support adults. These symbols need to be voted on for acceptance which anyone can do via our online flash card voting system.

The voting process is quick and easy, with just four checks and if you want to download symbols from other sets return to the home page and sign in for free.

voting on symbol

More instructions are available and if you would like to use some of our templates please visit our training pages. There will be more resources coming in the next few weeks as we roll out an expansion of our Board Builder options. You will be able to provide information sheets in PDF, as well as communication charts for different sized paper with alternative font sizes and will be able to use the templates electronically on devices and apps using open board formats such as CoughDrop and CBoard

We hope the tools we have put in place such as Board Builder with its access to symbols and Symbol Creator can help those supporting individuals with COVID-19, as well as others with speech, language and communication difficulties. With the insight of our community we can add more freely available resources and materials that can be used by anyone easily, parents, carers, professionals and AAC users themselves. Just by taking a few minutes to contribute by voting or sending us ideas you will make a difference! voting idea

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