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ISAAC Connect and Zero Project logos

E.A. Draffan

ISAAC Connect 2021 and the Zero Project

We are thrilled to be presenting a workshop at the ISAAC Connect 2021 conference and are looking forward to also listening to the many interesting speakers from 9-12th August. We will be talking about the 'Impact of Language and Culture on Symbol Design' which we have often discussed in our training materials. The slides can be downloaded and some of the content can be found on our Moodle platform under the free AAC Guided Pathways modules.

Other exciting news is that we have become a Zero Project Nominee. All shortlisted projects can be found on the Zero Project website and more details on the status of the selection process can be found in the Zero project latest press release. Zero Project nominee 2022

What a way to begin August 2021 - Happy Holidays to all those taking time out.

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