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Thailand flag, ISAAC AAC awareness 2023 logo Kenya flag

E.A. Draffan

International AAC Awareness month 'Say What' sharing memorable moments.

There have been many memorable moments this year but as October is International AAC Awareness month and ISAAC have a logo for “Say what? Sharing your most memorable moments with AAC” which means in American English “What did you say?” we thought we would share two of our memorable moments. what did you say Earlier in the month Charlie visited the Dulabhatorn Foundation in Northern Thailand where Nicole and Cute work with AAC users using many of the latest AAC techniques. He said...

The photographs below are of the Dulabhatorn Foundation children sharing a story and there is an example of a Minspeak Thai symbol chart also on Charlie's Twitter feed Dulabhatorn Foundation children with Charlie

Meanwhile in Kenya collaboration with John Macquin who founded Wheelchairs for Special Disabled Children has resulted in a special pack of resources providing a 'Family Guide to Communication for children without speech'. John Macquin and some children in wheelchairs in Kenya

Charlie has made a video that has been sent to John to pilot the guide. The video explains how the folder with a set of flip chart A4 slides can be used with families as well as introducing concepts around AAC including the use of core words thanks to Project Core, modelling using ARASAAC symbols and ideas for shared reading.

Family guide to communication The cards can be flipped over showing one side seen by the families or carers of potential AAC users with introductory lessons whilst the back side of each card has guidance for the trainers. The cards can be easily copied and translated into Swahili as they are all made using Google slides. There are also sets of laminated communication boards that can also be translated.

family guide to communication Kenya

Once the trials with the explanatory video and the materials have taken place and we have found out about any changes that need to be made, all the materials will be freely available online.

“Sometimes you will never know the value of something, until it becomes a memory.” (Dr Seuss) Dr Seuss cat

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