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E.A. Draffan

Making February 2021 creative with Symbol Creator

Last month we discussed the use of templates that we have used for featured boards about COVID-19 situations. We have built more charts using the latest updated version of Board Builder. The templates provided can be adapted to suit most settings with flexible numbers of columns and rows. Headings and logos can be added for printable PDFs with any number of symbols on show depending on the paper size required! In PDF mode text sizes can be changed and landscape or portrait mode is available. This also works on a desktop / laptop computer or tablet.

The Global Symbols website has also been updated to show you how to get creative and offers direct access to several additions thanks to the Winston Churchill Covid-19 Action Fund support. We are now aiming to share our free apps and resources with as many people as possible but already have over 1000 users a week.

Board Builder comes with a new version of the Symbol Creator tool that allows you to combine different symbols, images, shapes and text. Different colours can be chosen for the shapes and text, whilst positioning and sizing are flexible within a 500 by 500 pixel symbol size. Additional elements can be added to a base symbol to show changes in number, tense or category. These changes are possible with the open licenced symbols available on the Global Symbols repository and here you see the verb ‘to hike’ as present tense and then future tense with an arrow going left to right.

symbol creator

When thinking about information sheets Symbol Creator can be used in a more flexible way with a bit of customisation. In the example below one row (with the cell outlines coloured white!) has been used to produce a simple symbol message ready for printing out as a PDF.

having vaccine

If you register on Global Symbols you can save your creations for future use as well as use your own images and keep everything private or share your boards with us all by checking to make sure the properties say ‘public’.

Enjoy a creative February!

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