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Door Government of Aragón · Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0
Aanmelden symbolen downloaden

Taal Label Beschrijving
English cut fingernails Trim and shape nails.
Arabic قص أظفاره
Aragonese cortar-se as unglas Recortar y darle forma a las uñas.
Basque azkazalak moztu
Breton cortar as unhas Trim e unhas forma.
Bulgarian правя маникюр
Catalan tallar-se les ungles Retallar i donar forma a les ungles.
Chinese 剪指甲
Croatian odrezati nokte
Czech střihat nehty
Danish klippe negle
Dutch nagelsknippen
French se couper les ongles
Galician cortarse as unllas
German Nägel schneiden
Hebrew לגזור ציפורניים לחתוך ציפורניים
Hungarian levágja a körmét
Italian tagliarsi le unghie
Polish obcinać paznokcie
Portuguese cortar as unhas Trim e unhas forma.
Romanian a-şi tăia unghiile
Russian стричь ногти
Spanish cortarse las uñas Recortar y darle forma a las uñas.
Vehes tallar-se les ungles


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