Government of Aragón
Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0
Taal | Label | Beschrijving |
English | hexagon | Said of a polygon of six angles and six sides. |
Arabic | سداسي | |
Aragonese | hexagono | Se dice de un polígono de seis ángulos y seis lados. |
Basque | hexagonoa | |
Breton | hexágono | Dito de um polígono de seis lados e seis ângulos. |
Bulgarian | шестоъгълник | |
Catalan | hexàgon | Es diu d'un polígon de sis angles i sis costats. |
Chinese | 六边形 | |
Croatian | šesterokut | |
Danish | hexagon | |
Dutch | zeshoek | |
French | hexagone | |
Galician | hexágono | |
German | Sechseck | |
Hebrew | משושה | מרובע בעל שש צלעות שוות באורכן |
Hungarian | hatszög | |
Italian | esagono | |
Macedonian | шестоаголник | |
Polish | sześciokąt | |
Portuguese | hexágono | Dito de um polígono de seis lados e seis ângulos. |
Romanian | hexagon | |
Russian | шестиугольник | |
Spanish | hexágono | Se dice de un polígono de seis ángulos y seis lados. |
Vehes | hexàgon |