Ana içeriğe geç


Tarafından Government of Aragón · Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0


· verb
Oturum Aç sembolleri indirmek için

tr. Giving a blow to repeated blows.

Dil Etiket Açıklama
English hit tr. Giving a blow to repeated blows.
Arabic ضرب
Aragonese pegar tr. Dar un golpe o golpes repetidos.
Basque jo
Breton tenista com. Solo de tênis juego.
Bulgarian удрям
Catalan colpejar
Chinese 击打
Croatian udariti
Danish bolden, slå, til
Dutch slaan
French donner un coup
Galician golpear
German klopfen
Hebrew לחבוט
Hungarian üt
Italian colpire
Polish tenisista
Portuguese golpear tr. Dar um golpe a golpes repetidos.
Romanian a lovi
Russian ударять
Spanish golpear tr. Dar un golpe o golpes repetidos.
Vehes colpejar


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