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Door Government of Aragón · Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0
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Taal Label Beschrijving
English dry leaves f. Creeper, evergreen, of the Araliaceae family, with a trunk and gnarled branches, that sprout adventitious roots that cling tightly to the body immediately, leathery leaves, dark green, glossy, persistent, petiolate, split into five lobes, entire heart-
Arabic أوراق جافة
Aragonese hojas secas Conjunto de hojas muertas, sin vida
Basque hosto lehorrak
Breton folhas secas Corpo de folhas mortas, mortos
Bulgarian изсъхнали листа
Catalan fulles seques Conjunt de fulles mortes, sense vida.
Chinese 枯叶
Croatian suho lišće
Danish tørre blade
Dutch droge bladeren
French feuilles sèches
Galician follas secas
German Laub
Hebrew עלי שלכת עלים חומים הנושרים בסתיו
Italian foglie secche
Polish suche liście
Portuguese folhas secas Corpo de folhas mortas, mortos
Romanian frunze uscate
Russian сухие листья
Spanish hojas secas Conjunto de hojas muertas, sin vida
Vehes fulles seques


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