Ana içeriğe geç


Tarafından Government of Aragón · Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0
Oturum Aç sembolleri indirmek için
needle and thread roll

f. Spool on which wire coils, wire, etc. and the thread itself.

Dil Etiket Açıklama
English needle and thread roll f. Spool on which wire coils, wire, etc. and the thread itself.
Arabic بكرة وإبرة
Aragonese aguja y bobina f. Carrete sobre el que se enrolla hilo, alambre, etc. y el hilo mismo.
Basque orratza eta harila
Breton agulha e carrinho de linhas f. Spool em que as bobinas de arame, fio, etc eo segmento em si.
Bulgarian игла и макара
Catalan agulla i bobina f. Rodet sobre el qual s'enrotlla fil, filferro, etc., i el fil mateix.
Chinese 针和线圈
Croatian igla i klupko konca
Dutch naald en spoel
Estonian nõel ja niidirull
French épingle et bobine
Galician agulla e bobina
German Nadel und Spule
Hebrew חוט ומחט
Italian ago e rocchetto
Polish igła i szpulka nici
Portuguese agulha e carrinho de linhas f. Spool em que as bobinas de arame, fio, etc eo segmento em si.
Romanian ac şi bobină
Russian катушка ниток
Spanish aguja y bobina f. Carrete sobre el que se enrolla hilo, alambre, etc. y el hilo mismo.
Vehes agulla i bobina


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