Blissymbolics Communication International
Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
· verb
Oturum Aç
sembolleri indirmek için
(to act + upset + action indicator: to act in a way that upsets someone)
Dil | Etiket | Açıklama |
English | tease-(to) | (to act + upset + action indicator: to act in a way that upsets someone) |
Afrikaans | terg (om te) | |
Danish | driller | |
Dutch | plagen | |
Finnish | kiusata, härnätä, ärsyttää | |
French | taquiner | |
German | necken, hänseln | |
Hungarian | ugratni, ingerelni, kötekedni | |
Italian | tormentare, fare i dispetti | |
Latvian | ķircināt | |
Norwegian | erte | |
Polish | dokuczać, wyśmiewać | |
Portuguese | arreliar | |
Russian | дразнить | |
Spanish | burlarse de, reírse de | |
Swedish | reta |