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that (there)

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that (there)

(dot [low position] + the: the diagonal line has the same orientation as the one used in the and this) - Character (superimposed)

Jezik Oznaka Opis
English that (there) (dot [low position] + the: the diagonal line has the same orientation as the one used in the and this) - Character (superimposed)
Afrikaans daar
Danish det der, det, den
Dutch die, dat
Finnish tuo
French cela, ça
German jener, jener, jene, jenes
Hungarian az (mutató nm.)
Italian quello, quella
Latvian tas, tur
Norwegian den der, det der
Polish tamten (tam)
Portuguese aquilo
Russian эта, этот (неопред.форма)
Spanish ese (allí), aquel
Swedish den där, det där


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