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Door Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0

naar, naartoe, erheen

· preposition
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naar, naartoe, erheen

Taal Label Beschrijving
English to,toward,towards (arrowhead + reference line [half-sized]: the arrowhead approaches the reference line. This symbol is a simplified form of approach.) - Character (sequenced)
Afrikaans na, daarnatoe
Danish til, henimod, til
Dutch naar, naartoe, erheen
Finnish luokse, jonnekin, kohti
French vers, à
German zu, zum, zur, nach
Hungarian felé, oda, odafelé
Italian verso, in direzione di, a
Latvian uz, turp, virzienā uz
Norwegian til, mot
Polish do, w kierunku
Portuguese em direcção a
Russian к, вперёд к
Spanish a, hacia
Swedish till, mot, fram mot


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