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Oturum Aç sembolleri indirmek için

(person + hand + foot: person who gives therapy, based on manipulation of different zones of the foot)

Dil Etiket Açıklama
English reflexologist (person + hand + foot: person who gives therapy, based on manipulation of different zones of the foot)
Afrikaans refleksoloog
Dutch voetreflexoloog
Finnish refleksologi
French réflexologue
German Reflexzonenmasseur, Reflexzonenmasseurin, Fußreflexzonenmasseur, Fußreflexzonenmasseurin
Hungarian reflexológus
Italian riflessologo
Latvian refleksologs
Norwegian refleksolog
Polish terapeuta refleksologii
Portuguese reflexólogo
Russian рефлексолог
Spanish reflexólogo
Swedish reflexologist


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