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Oturum Aç sembolleri indirmek için
prone board,scooter-board

(vehicle [modification, horizontal line replaced by board] + board [modification, higer position] (combination)) Vehicles have different names in different countries. - Character (superimposed - modified - combined)

Dil Etiket Açıklama
English prone board,scooter-board (vehicle [modification, horizontal line replaced by board] + board [modification, higer position] (combination)) Vehicles have different names in different countries. - Character (superimposed - modified - combined)
Afrikaans skaatsplank
Dutch ligbord (hulpmiddel), ligplank (hulpmiddel)
Finnish rullalauta, mahalauta
French planche à roulettes
German Rollbrett
Hungarian fekvő roller, kerekes fekvődeszka
Latvian skūteru, skrituļdēļu rampa
Norwegian rullebrett, magebrett
Polish deskorolka
Portuguese prancha de prono
Russian доска для скейтборда
Spanish bipedestador, monopatín para discapacitados
Swedish rullbräda, magrullbräda


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