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Door Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
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Thor (Noorse God)

Taal Label Beschrijving
English Thor (Nordic God + hammer: the God of thunder; his hammer made the lightning)
Afrikaans Thor (Nordiese God)
Dutch Thor (Noorse God)
Finnish Thor, Tor
French Thor (mythologie nordique)
German Thor (nordischer Gott)
Hungarian Thor (északi istenség)
Italian Thor (dio del tuono e del fulmine, il suo martello produce fulmini)
Latvian Ziemeļu Dievs, Tors
Norwegian Tor
Polish Thor (bóg nordycki)
Portuguese tor (deus nórdico da trovoada)
Russian Тор (старший сын Одина)
Spanish Thor
Swedish Tor


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