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· noun
Oturum Aç sembolleri indirmek için

(Nordic God + plant: the God of growing power)

Dil Etiket Açıklama
English Frey (Nordic God + plant: the God of growing power)
Afrikaans Frey (Nordiese God)
Dutch Frey (Noorse God)
Finnish Frey, Freyr
French Frey (mythologie nordique)
German Frej (nordischer Gott)
Hungarian Frey (északi istenség)
Italian Frej (dio Nordico della fertilità)
Latvian Frejs
Norwegian Frøy (bror til Frøya)
Polish Frej – nordycki bóg urodzaju, płodności oraz pokoju, brat Freji
Portuguese frej (deus nórdico do poder crescente)
Russian Фрей (господин, Бог плодородия и любви)
Spanish Frey
Swedish Frej, Frö


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