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Door Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0

blot (Noors)

· noun
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blot (Noors)

Taal Label Beschrijving
English blot (gathering + to sacrifice: ancient Scandinavian gathering to sacrifice to the Nordic Gods)
Afrikaans blot (Nordiese)
Dutch blot (Noors)
Finnish blot
French cérémonie de sacrifice (mythologie nordique)
German Blot (nord. Opferritual)
Hungarian áldozati összejövetel az északi istenek részére
Italian macchia
Latvian blot
Norwegian blot
Polish blot (staronordycka ceremonia ofiarna)
Portuguese mancha
Russian блот (обряд жертвоприношения)
Spanish mancha
Swedish blot


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