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Tarafından Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
Oturum Aç sembolleri indirmek için
groom (horse)

(person + to work + to protect + horse)

Dil Etiket Açıklama
English groom (horse) (person + to work + to protect + horse)
Afrikaans versorger, stalkneg (perd)
Dutch verzorger (paard)
Finnish tallirenki
French palefrenier, lad
German Stallbursche, Stallknecht
Hungarian lovász, lóápoló, istállófiú
Latvian zirgupuisis, zirgkopis
Norwegian hestepasser
Polish stajenny, koniuszy
Russian конюх
Spanish mozo de cuadra
Swedish hästskötare


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