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verbetering, beterschap

Taal Label Beschrijving
English improvement (cause + more + correct: to cause to be better, in a rational sense.) See also: improve-(to) 14931 - Is this really a ”cause”? I don’t think so. It is a change to the better. The cause for the betterment can be anything from coincidence to deliberate action. Should both these be re-assessed?
Afrikaans verbetering
Dutch verbetering, beterschap
Finnish kehittäminen, parantaminen
French amélioration
German Verbesserung, Optimierung
Hungarian javulás, javítás, tökéletesedés, tökéletesítés
Latvian uzlabošanās
Norwegian bedring, forbedring
Russian улучшение
Spanish mejora
Swedish bättring, förbättring


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