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Po Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
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(forward + reference line [modification, the line has an opening]: the forward arrow easily passing through the broken reference line) - Character (superimposed - modified)

Jezik Oznaka Opis
English ease,easiness,simplicity (forward + reference line [modification, the line has an opening]: the forward arrow easily passing through the broken reference line) - Character (superimposed - modified)
Afrikaans maklik, maklikheid, verlig, eenvoud
Danish let, enkelt
Dutch gemak, eenvoudig
Finnish helppous, yksinkertaisuus
French facilité, simplicité
German Leichtigkeit, Einfachheit, Simplizität
Hungarian könnyűség, egyszerűség, problémamentesség
Italian facile, facilmente
Latvian vieglums, vienkāršība
Norwegian enkelhet, letthet
Portuguese fácil
Russian простота, лёгкость
Spanish facilidad, sencillez
Swedish enkelhet, lätthet


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