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Door Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
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fantasie, verbeelding, illusie

Taal Label Beschrijving
English fantasy,phantasy,imagination,illusion (existence,being_(2) [modification, high position over the skyline] + sky: imaginary existence up the sky, or up in the clouds) - Character (superimposed - modified)
Afrikaans fantasie, illusie, verbeelding
Dutch fantasie, verbeelding, illusie
Finnish fantasia, mielikuvitus, illuusio
French imagination, fantaisie, illusion
German Fantasie, Fantasterei
Hungarian fantázia, illúzió, elképzelés
Latvian izdoma, fantāzija, iedoma, ilūzija
Norwegian fantasi
Russian фантазия, воображение, вымысел
Spanish fantasía, imaginación, ilusión
Swedish fantasi


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