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Door Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
Aanmelden symbolen downloaden
stil (geen beweging), vredig, rustig

Taal Label Beschrijving
English still,calm,peaceful,tranquil (without + back and forth + description indicator: back and forth rrepresenting movement,motion_(2) [contr.])
Afrikaans kalm, stil, rustig
Dutch stil (geen beweging), vredig, rustig
Finnish rauhallinen, tyyni
German ruhig, still, gefasst, friedlich, gelassen
Italian calmo, immobile
Latvian mierīgs, rimts, rāms
Norwegian stille, rolig, fredelig
Portuguese quieto
Russian спокойный, тихий
Spanish tranquilo, calmado, relajado
Swedish stilla, stillsam, lugn


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