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Door Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
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dag voor kerstdag

Taal Label Beschrijving
English Christmas Eve (day) (day + before + birth + cross,Christianity_(in_combinations): where birth + cross represents Christmas [contr.], i.e., the birth of Jesus Christ)
Afrikaans Oukersdag (dag)
Danish Julaften
Dutch dag voor kerstdag
Finnish jouluaatto (päivä)
German Heiligabend, Heiliger Abend, Weihnachtsabend (Tag)
Italian notte di Natale
Latvian Ziemassvētku diena
Norwegian julaften (dag)
Portuguese véspera de natal
Russian канун Рождества (день)
Spanish Nochebuena (día)
Swedish julafton (dag)


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