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(forward + arrow, high position pointing backward + arrow, low position pointing backward: one arrow is "frustrated" in its efforts to penetrate the opposition of the other two) - Character (superimposed - sequenced)

Idioma Etiqueta Descripción
English adversity,hardship,setback (forward + arrow, high position pointing backward + arrow, low position pointing backward: one arrow is "frustrated" in its efforts to penetrate the opposition of the other two) - Character (superimposed - sequenced)
Afrikaans teenspoed, swaarkry, terugslag
Dutch tegenspoed, tegenslag
German Elend, Missgechick, Not, Bedrängnis, Rückschlag
Latvian grūtība, neveiksme, šķērslis
Norwegian utfordring, motgang, prøvelse
Russian невзгода, неудача, испытание
Swedish motgång, bakslag, prövning


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