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(reference line + three connecting dots + reference line + pointer, to the right on the left line + pointer, to the left on the right line : the full square between the reference lines, and the pointers pointing inwards from the outside, emphasize thickness.) See also: thinness,narrowness 25622 - Character (superimposed - sequenced - pointer) Preferred NEW SYNONYM, replacing 25561

Idioma Etiqueta Descripción
English fatness,thickness (reference line + three connecting dots + reference line + pointer, to the right on the left line + pointer, to the left on the right line : the full square between the reference lines, and the pointers pointing inwards from the outside, emphasize thickness.) See also: thinness,narrowness 25622 - Character (superimposed - sequenced - pointer) Preferred NEW SYNONYM, replacing 25561
Afrikaans vet, duk
Dutch dikte
German Dickheit
Latvian resnums, biezums
Norwegian tykkelse, fedme
Russian толщина
Swedish tjockhet


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