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(line,stripe + three connecting dots + line,stripe: two reference lines on the vertical boundaries of the symbol for enclosure, limiting what lies between them) - Character (sequenced) Preferred NEW SYNONYM, replacing 15213

Idioma Etiqueta Descripción
English limit(s),limitation,restriction (line,stripe + three connecting dots + line,stripe: two reference lines on the vertical boundaries of the symbol for enclosure, limiting what lies between them) - Character (sequenced) Preferred NEW SYNONYM, replacing 15213
Afrikaans limiet, beperking
Dutch limiet, beperking
German Grenze, Limit, Beschränkung, Einschränkung, Begrenzung
Latvian robeža, ierobežojums
Norwegian grense(r), begrensning
Russian ограничение, границы
Swedish begränsning, gränser


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