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three Danish waters (OLD)

(three parallel water symbols: three channels of water used inthe old Bliss-word for Denmark) - Character (superimposed) SUPERSEDED CHARACTER

Idioma Etiqueta Descripción
English three Danish waters (OLD) (three parallel water symbols: three channels of water used inthe old Bliss-word for Denmark) - Character (superimposed) SUPERSEDED CHARACTER
Afrikaans drie Deense waters (OUD)
Dutch drie waters Deens (OUD)
German drei Wasser (in altes Bliss-Wort für Dänemark) (ALT)
Latvian trīs Dāņu ūdeņi (novec.)
Norwegian tre vann (Danmark) (OLD)
Russian три датские воды (СТАРОЕ зн.)
Swedish tre vatten (Danmark) (FD)


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