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Tarafından Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
Oturum Aç sembolleri indirmek için

(help + thing indicator: concrete thing that aids or supports a person. The symbol is the concrete form of help.) - (character with thing indicator)

Dil Etiket Açıklama
English aid,device,support (help + thing indicator: concrete thing that aids or supports a person. The symbol is the concrete form of help.) - (character with thing indicator)
Afrikaans hulp, toestel, ondersteuning, bystaan, hulp (met)
Danish hjælpemiddel, hjælpemidler
Dutch steun, ondersteuning, hulp
Finnish apuväline
French aide technique, support matériel
German Hilfsmittel, Förderung, Unterstützung
Hungarian segédeszköz, támasz
Italian supporto, attrezzatura (medica)
Latvian palīglīdzeklis
Norwegian hjelpemiddel
Polish pomoc, wsparcie
Portuguese material médico
Russian вспомогательное средство
Spanish ayuda, dispositivo, ayuda
Swedish hjälpmedel


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