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Door Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0

heel, geheel, alles

· preposition
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heel, geheel, alles

Taal Label Beschrijving
English all,every,everything,total,whole (multitude + enclosure: symbol reminds us that “all” can only refer to some restricted multitude) - Character (superimposed)
Afrikaans alles, als, totaal, in geheel
Danish alt, alle, hele, alt
Dutch heel, geheel, alles
Finnish kaikki, koko
French tout
German alle, alles, gesamt, ganz
Hungarian minden, összes, teljes egész, totális
Italian tutto, ogni cosa
Latvian viss, visi, kopums
Norwegian alle, alt, hel
Polish wszystko, wszyscy
Portuguese tudo
Russian всё, полностью
Spanish todo, toda, cada,
Swedish all, hel


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