Ana içeriğe geç


Tarafından Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
Oturum Aç sembolleri indirmek için
belongs to,of (possessive)

(addition [half-sized, modification, with the crossbar located on the earthline]) - Character – (modified)

Dil Etiket Açıklama
English belongs to,of (possessive) (addition [half-sized, modification, with the crossbar located on the earthline]) - Character – (modified)
Afrikaans van, en, plus (besitlik)
Danish tilhøre
Dutch van, en, plus
Finnish kuulua johonkin
French de (possessif), appartenance
German gehört zu (possessiv)
Hungarian é (birtokjel; pl. valakié, valamié)
Italian appartiene a, di
Latvian piederēt
Norwegian tilhørende (eiendomspronomen)
Polish należy do (rzeczy, dobytek)
Portuguese pertence a
Russian принадлежать
Spanish pertenece a, de (posesivo)
Swedish tillhör, hör ihop med...


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