Blissymbolics Communication International
Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
prijavi se
za preuzimanje simbola
(pictograph: symbol suggests the outline of a bowl) - Character
Jezik | Oznaka | Opis |
English | container,bowl,holder,pouch,basket | (pictograph: symbol suggests the outline of a bowl) - Character |
Afrikaans | houer, bak, sak, mandjie | |
Danish | beholder, skål, beholder | |
Dutch | houder, kom, mand | |
Finnish | astia, kulho, säilö | |
French | récipient, contenant, bol | |
German | Schale, Schüssel, Behälter, Korb | |
Hungarian | tartály, tartóelem (bármi, ami tarthat valamit) | |
Italian | scodella | |
Latvian | tvertne, rezervuārs, bļoda | |
Norwegian | bolle, beholder (o l) | |
Polish | pojemnik, miska, zbiornik, worek | |
Portuguese | tigela | |
Russian | ёмкость, контейнер | |
Spanish | contenedor, bol | |
Swedish | behållare, skål, korg (etc) |