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(equal-sided triangle: CKB points out that the Greeks considered the equal-sided triangle to be the simplest and most harmonious geometrical creation, and proof that the world is not chaos, but organized according to harmonious lines) - Character

Dil Etiket Açıklama
English creation,nature (equal-sided triangle: CKB points out that the Greeks considered the equal-sided triangle to be the simplest and most harmonious geometrical creation, and proof that the world is not chaos, but organized according to harmonious lines) - Character
Afrikaans skepping, natuur
Danish skabelse
Dutch natuur, schepping, creatie
Finnish luonto, luominen, luomakunta
French création, nature
German Schöpfung, Natur
Hungarian természet, teremtés, alkotás
Italian creazione (natura)
Latvian radība, daba
Norwegian skapelse, natur
Polish kreacja, stworzenie, natura
Portuguese criação (natureza)
Russian создание, природа
Spanish creación, naturaleza
Swedish skapelse, natur


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