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Door Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
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gebouw, huis, woning

Taal Label Beschrijving
English house,building,dwelling,residence (foundation + protection: pictograph of the outline of a house.The symbol can also be explained as: combination of enclosure and protection.) - Character (superimposed)
Afrikaans gebou, huis, woning, residensie
Danish hus
Dutch gebouw, huis, woning
Finnish talo, rakennus
French maison, bâtiment
German Haus, Unterkunft, Wohnsitz
Hungarian ház, épület, lakóhely, rezidencia, tartózkodási hely
Italian casa, dimora
Latvian māja, ēka, dzīvesvieta
Norwegian hus, bygning
Polish dom, budynek, mieszkanie
Portuguese edifício
Russian здание, дом
Spanish casa, edificio, vivienda
Swedish hus, byggnad


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