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Tarafından Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
Oturum Aç sembolleri indirmek için

(fantasy,phantasy,imagination,illusion + description indicator: to let one's mind soar into the sky, or up into the clouds)

Dil Etiket Açıklama
English make-believe,pretend,imaginary (fantasy,phantasy,imagination,illusion + description indicator: to let one's mind soar into the sky, or up into the clouds)
Afrikaans denkbeeldige, voorgee
Danish foregiver, fantasifuld, fantaserer
Dutch verzonnen
Finnish kuviteltu, epätodellinen
French imaginaire
German unwirklich, imaginär, vorgeben, sich stellen
Hungarian képzelt, képzeletbeli, színlelt, tettetett
Italian far credere
Latvian izlikšanās, izlikties, iedomāts
Norwegian på lissom, på liksom
Polish udawany, wymyślony
Portuguese imaginar
Russian нереальный, вымышленный
Spanish hacer creer, pretender, imaginario
Swedish overklig, på låtsas


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