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goed (moreel), moreel

Taal Label Beschrijving
English moral,good,right,morally right (good_conscience + intensity + description indicator: can also be seen as a combination of conscience + positive) See also: correct,accurate,good,right 13416 and good,well,fine,ok,okay,all_right 14463.
Afrikaans moreel
Danish rigtig, god, god
Dutch goed (moreel), moreel
Finnish hyvä, moraalisesti oikein
French moral
German richtig (moralisch), gut
Hungarian helyes, jó, erkölcsös, morális
Italian giusto (moralmente), buono
Latvian tikumisks, morāls, labs, pareizs
Norwegian moralsk, riktig, rett, korrekt
Polish prawo, prawo moralne
Portuguese certo, bom
Russian честный, правдивый
Spanish moral
Swedish rätt, moralisk


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