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Tarafından Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
Oturum Aç sembolleri indirmek için
opposite meaning,opposite of,opposite

(combination of up and down: up is the opposite of down. The symbol is placed before a second symbol to create an antonym or meaning that is the opposite of that of the second symbol.) - Character

Dil Etiket Açıklama
English opposite meaning,opposite of,opposite (combination of up and down: up is the opposite of down. The symbol is placed before a second symbol to create an antonym or meaning that is the opposite of that of the second symbol.) - Character
Afrikaans teenoorgeste
Danish modsat mening, overfor
Dutch tegenovergestelde
Finnish vastakohta
French contraire de, opposé à
German Gegenteil, gegensätzliche Bedeutung
Hungarian ellenkező értelem, ellentéte, ellenkezője valaminek
Italian opposto, significato opposto
Latvian pretējs, pretējas nozīmes
Norwegian motsatt mening
Polish przeciwieństwo, odmienne od
Portuguese oposto
Russian противоположность
Spanish significado opuesto, opuesto a
Swedish motsatt betydelse, motsats


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