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Tarafından Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
Oturum Aç sembolleri indirmek için
part,bit,piece,portion,part of

(division [half-sized]: a part is created when something is divided) With the gloss "part of", the symbol is used before another symbol to create a new meaning, which is part of the meaning of the original symbol, i.e., part of + language = word. See Note p. II-106 in BRG) - Character

Dil Etiket Açıklama
English part,bit,piece,portion,part of (division [half-sized]: a part is created when something is divided) With the gloss "part of", the symbol is used before another symbol to create a new meaning, which is part of the meaning of the original symbol, i.e., part of + language = word. See Note p. II-106 in BRG) - Character
Afrikaans deel van gedeelte deel stuk van, stuk
Danish division, deling, del
Dutch gedeelte, deel, stuk
Finnish osa, pala, viipale
French partie de
German Teil, Stück, Portion, Anteil
Hungarian rész, része valaminek, darabka, részlet
Italian parte, pezzo, parte di
Latvian daļa
Norwegian del av, bit, del
Polish część, kawałek
Portuguese fracção
Russian часть, доля
Spanish parte, porción, trocito, pedacito
Swedish del, bit, stycke, del av


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