Ana içeriğe geç


Tarafından Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
Oturum Aç sembolleri indirmek için
less than (relation)

(symbol is derived from the mathematical symbol for “smaller than”. This symbol in half-size is the basis for against, by, and there.) - Character

Dil Etiket Açıklama
English less than (relation) (symbol is derived from the mathematical symbol for “smaller than”. This symbol in half-size is the basis for against, by, and there.) - Character
Afrikaans minder as (verhouding)
Danish forhold, mindre end
Dutch kleiner dan, minder dan
Finnish pienempi kuin
French plus petit que (relation)
German weniger als (Relation)
Hungarian kisebb /kevesebb, mint…
Italian relazione (meno di)
Latvian mazāk par, mazāk kā
Norwegian mindre enn (relasjon)
Polish mniej niż … (określenie relacji)
Portuguese menor que
Russian меньше (соотношение)
Spanish menos que (relación)
Swedish mindre än (relation)


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