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Rosh Hashana

· noun
Oturum Aç sembolleri indirmek için
Rosh Hashana

(day + horn + Jewish: Jewish New Year, the day on which the shofar or ram's horn is blown)

Dil Etiket Açıklama
English Rosh Hashana (day + horn + Jewish: Jewish New Year, the day on which the shofar or ram's horn is blown)
Afrikaans Rosh Hashanah
Danish Rosh hashana, Rosh Hashanah
Dutch Rosh Hashana (Joods)
Finnish Roš hašana, rosh hasana, uusi vuosi
French Rosh ha-Shanah (fête juive)
German Rosh Hashana, Rosh Hashanah
Hungarian Rós Hasana (héber)
Italian rosh hashana (principale dei capi d'anno nel calendario ebraico)
Latvian Rosh Hashana (atzīmējama diena Izraēlā)
Norwegian Rosh Hashana (Israel)
Polish Rosz Haszana (hebrajski Nowy Rok)
Russian рош хашана (Израиль)
Spanish Rosh Hashana
Swedish Rosh Hashana (Israel)


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