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A loose, usually black robe worn by Muslim women, especially in Arabic-speaking regions, covering the body from head to toe or the neck down and often worn with a headscarf and veil.

Idioma Etiqueta Descripción
English عباية A loose, usually black robe worn by Muslim women, especially in Arabic-speaking regions, covering the body from head to toe or the neck down and often worn with a headscarf and veil.
Arabic عباية عَباءة ؛ كِساءٌ واسعٌ مشقوقٌ من الأمام بلا كُمَّيْن ، يُلْبسُ فوق الثِّياب.عباءة نسائيَّة : كساء للنّساء فضفاض بلا كمّين


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