In the last few months we have been working on our Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AAC symbol project, finding how inconsistent the pictographic images may appear in some AAC symbol sets and the impact this has on the various stages of image processing such as perception, detection and recognition.
Looking to the year ahead we are hoping we will have more resources to share and time to be creative with open licence innovations involving AAC symbols - think design and artificial intelligence!
Coming to the end of International AAC Awareness Month 2022 we have put together some ideas from experts, for those working with AAC symbol sets in multicultural situations.
Open-design and co-creation of AAC pictographic symbols is rarely written about in research journals. Adding and adapting symbols to open licensed symbol sets requires care and understanding of the needs of potential users, plus changes that occur in society or settings over time, as well as an appreciation of any limitations due to a previously developed design style and schema.
Last year the Churchill Fellowship COVID-19 Action Fund enabled us to provide resources to help carers build visual aids to support those who have speech and language difficulties in challenging situations. We have recently updated the free online and downloadable materials.