Прескачане към основното съдържание


От Government of Aragón · Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0


· adjective
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Език Етикет Описание
English today m. Current time: yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Arabic اليوم
Aragonese uei m. Momento actual: el ayer, el hoy y el mañana.
Basque gaur
Breton hoje m. Horário atual: ontem, hoje e amanhã.
Bulgarian днес
Catalan avui m. Moment actual: l'ahir, l'avui i el demà.
Chinese 今天
Croatian danas
Danish idag, nuværende
Dutch vandaag
French aujourd'hui
Galician hoxe
German heute
Hebrew היום בזמן הווה
Hungarian ma
Italian oggi
Macedonian денес
Polish dzisiaj
Portuguese hoje m. Horário atual: ontem, hoje e amanhã.
Romanian astăzi d. ora curentă: ieri, astăzi şi mâine.
Russian сегодня
Spanish hoy m. Momento actual: el ayer, el hoy y el mañana.
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