Прескачане към основното съдържание


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Wednesday (OLD)

(day + 4: fourth day of the week - based on the convention of Sunday being the first) SUPERSEDED SYNONYM See Wednesday_(day3) 25214, Wednesday_(day4) 25215, Wednesday_(day5) 25216

Език Етикет Описание
English Wednesday (OLD) (day + 4: fourth day of the week - based on the convention of Sunday being the first) SUPERSEDED SYNONYM See Wednesday_(day3) 25214, Wednesday_(day4) 25215, Wednesday_(day5) 25216
Afrikaans Woensdag (OUD)
Danish torsdag, onsdag
Dutch woensdag (OUD)
Finnish keskiviikko (vanha)
French mercredi (ancien)
German Mittwoch (ALT)
Hungarian csütörtök (régi jelkép)
Italian mercoledì
Latvian trešdiena (novec.)
Norwegian onsdag (OLD)
Polish środa (stare)
Portuguese quarta-feira
Russian среда (СТАРОЕ зн)
Spanish Miércoles (ANTIGUO)
Swedish onsdag (FD)


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