Прескачане към основното съдържание


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· noun
Влизане за да изтеглите символи

(combination of health and muscle: symbol suggests the outline of a person, arm bent, biceps flexed, showing strength) - Character (superimposed)

Език Етикет Описание
English strength (combination of health and muscle: symbol suggests the outline of a person, arm bent, biceps flexed, showing strength) - Character (superimposed)
Afrikaans sterkte, krag
Dutch spierkracht, sterk (spier)
Finnish vahvuus, voimakkuus
French force
German Stärke, Kraft, Dauerhaftigkeit
Hungarian erő (fizikai)
Latvian spēks, stiprums
Norwegian styrke, muskelstyrke, muskelkraft
Russian сила, мышечная сила
Spanish fortaleza
Swedish styrka, muskelkraft


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