Прескачане към основното съдържание


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· noun
Влизане за да изтеглите символи

(water_animal_(big_tail) + teeth: can be interpreted as a combination of water animal (with a big tail) and rodent, a large, flat-tailed rodent that makes its home in water)

Език Етикет Описание
English beaver (water_animal_(big_tail) + teeth: can be interpreted as a combination of water animal (with a big tail) and rodent, a large, flat-tailed rodent that makes its home in water)
Afrikaans bewer
Danish bæver
Dutch bever
Finnish majava
French castor
German Biber
Hungarian hód
Italian castoro
Latvian bebrs
Norwegian bever
Polish bóbr
Portuguese castor
Russian бобр
Spanish castor
Swedish bäver


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