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Terms and Conditions

The work on Global Symbols aims to provide freely available sets of symbols for use by anyone supporting communication and literacy needs.   Grateful thanks go to all those who have supported the Arabic Symbol Dictionary project in particular AAC users, teachers, therapists, carers and parents who have participated in the development of these symbols.  The team would also like to thank the ARASAAC team for their willingness to collaborate with this project.

Symbol Sets with a Creative Commons Share-Alike licence and other similar licences are free to use or distribute and can be incorporated and integrated into both free and commercial products. You may charge for your software, training or support, but cannot make an additional charge directly for the use of the symbol set. We simply ask that you note the source of the symbols and the license under which they are provided. An example of a share-alike licence is given below...

Tawasol Symbols are available under a CC BY-SA 4.0 licence Tawasol by Mada, HMC and University of Southampton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Many definitions used to explain the lexical entries have come from WordNet, a lexical database in English developed by Princeton University in 2010.  Licence and Terms of use.

Please note

Where it has been felt that there is no need to generate new symbols for certain concepts, links have been provided to the ARASAAC symbol set for which we are inestimably grateful.

Please visit their Terms of use


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© 2025 Global Symbols CIC