A netidee project has meant that the technical foundations for interaction between two successful platforms 'AsTeRICS Grid' and 'Global Symbols' has been laid. Soon it will be possible for everyone to easily share multiple open licenced AAC symbol sets by making communication boards in BoardBuilder and using them in AsTeRICS Grid or sharing the idea in a similar way with other apps thanks to their open source licencing.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) as a field that enhances communication for individuals with severe speech, language, and literacy difficulties has always been an arena for innovation. This year at the International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP 2024), a Special Thematic Session (STS) showcased groundbreaking technologies and ideas in AAC products and services, reflecting the dynamic landscape of the field.
Cerebral or Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) affects many children with complex medical, physical, learning and communication difficulties. It can be considered a hidden disability and may be misunderstood in the early years. Environmental clutter with patterned scenes and objects, bright lights and colour mixtures can cause discomfort and distractions. Many individuals working with symbols for communication have been exploring the best designs to help support AAC users with CVI and we hope that by learning from their ideas we can offer more symbol choices in the future.
The Link project co-funded by the European Union is all about linking up information that can help children and those supporting them cope with the complex and often inaccessible world surrounding courts of justice. This includes providing guidance for overcoming physical, social and communication barriers.
Global Symbols, a UK not-for-profit organization supporting those with speech and communication impairments, has been awarded an AI for Accessibility grant from Microsoft to help further efforts in filling the gaps in many AAC symbol sets in reflecting diverse cultural values and language, such as celebrations, dress, currency, social settings, and local environment.