E.A. Draffan
Using an Android Tablet with Switch Access
I thought it might be helpful to show how we used the open source free app Cboard with an Ablenet switch for scanning and access. It was incredibly easy to set up all the Ablenet switches that were provided with 3.5 jacks, including the BIGmack and iTalk4 with Levels, making it possible to create a range of activities. But…
What was harder was finding the right switch box for the Android tablet that would make it all happen! ATMakers offered a Keyswtich, but sadly we did not have the time to make it. Instant access turned out to be the use of a USB-C connector cable going into the Samsung TAB A Android tablet with a USB end going into an EnCore Switch Adapter kindly loaned by Liberator.
By using the USB-C connector cable we could also connect up an old USB cable mouse and use it with an enlarged pointer/cursor on the screen (Android settings > Accessibility > Visibility enhancements > large mouse /touchpad pointer) for those who find it hard to tap and use tablet gestures.
The Samsung TAB A has a range of universal switch settings for scanning and we found these worked well with online communication apps. We have tried several that can be found on the CALL Scotland wheel of apps for AAC (download PDF). The wheel is only availale in English but many of the Google Play apps offer activities that could be used with any language.