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ATIA 2025 then a plane, bus and train next to a chat symbol and microphone with a US flag

E.A. Draffan

Looking forward to ATIA 2025 conference

Each year ATIA has a series of strands covering a wide range of topics from assessment, practice to education, leadership and research as well as the use of Assistive Technologies (AT) supporting groups with specific needs. The session page allows users to search/filter for presentations about AAC supported by USSAAC.

The Global Symbols team have been travelling quite a bit recently!

wold map

Charlie Danger, will be flying in to Orlando (USA) from the Far East where he has been supporting AAC users in Lao and Thailand and will be with Judith Schoonover and Sally Norton-Darr presenting on "Low-High Tech Tools for Inclusive Environments Worldwide: Kids Gotta Talk & Play"

David Banes has just been in Austria and is not only looking after the European Industry Association for Digital Assistive Technology (DATEurope) Leadership strand, but also presenting on DAT Matters - The Case for Provision of Digital AT for All.

Charlie and David GenAI prompt: Two men dressed casually, wearing glasses and hats using a sample photo of Charlie and David as a 'seed' for style reference and consistency when trying to achieve a likeness!

Charlie and David will have their Global Symbols hats on when they present on Developing and Enhancing Symbol Sets with Generative AI

It is going to be interesting exploring ideas around emerging technologies and AI integration into AAC devices alongside the emphasis on developing AAC solutions that are culturally and linguistically inclusive.

AAC systems that cater for diverse languages and dialects are becoming more prevalent and it is hoped that pictographic symbols can also become increasingly more customised and personalised.

We are very grateful for support from our Microsoft AI for Accessibility grant and from The Seneca Trust

Seneca Trust

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