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a man and woman beside an aeroplane and globe followed by a man infront of a white board

E.A. Draffan

Global Symbols' team members will be presenting at ISAAC, AAATE, Communication Matters and ASHA!

The next few months see three members of the Global Symbols team travelling to conferences held across the Atlantic and nearer to home in the UK and France. It is an exciting time when we will be meeting up with colleagues and hopefully exchanging ideas and gaining knowledge face to face rather than via virtual means!

Hello in many languages

Charlie is going to Cancun this week for the ISAAC conference and will be presenting on our work with UNICEF that links up with our AAC implementation guide and symbol creaation with a voting system to encourage participation on designs as well as mentioning new ideas using aritificial intelligence (AI). Charlie will also be at Communication Matters in Leeds, September 10-12th.

E.A. is heading off to Paris at the end of August for AAATE 2023 to share more about our AI project and how curiosity about what can or cannot be achieved with generative AI that needs the participation of AAC users and professionals to improve outcomes related to the personalisation and localisation of symbols.

AI generated symbol of  a teacher

Finally, in November David heads over to Boston for the ASHA convention where he will be talking about the "Impact of Language and Culture on Symbol Design for Communities"

We will update our Facebook page with more news from the conferences.

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